Our Projects
We are taking steps towards addressing Lopez Island’s critical shortage of rental housing.
Our first project, opened in November 2021. The homes are environmentally friendly, fit into the fabric of the village, and provide modern, affordable housing options for the Lopezian workforce — guaranteed for 99 years.
We are excited to announce the purchase of 9 acres in Lopez Village where we will construct our next project, Village North.

Village North

The How
The community spoke; we listened. More than 35 people attended a community meeting on June 23rd to learn about our plans. They shared ideas for site design and their priorities around saving the trees, limiting light pollution, and desire for green space.
Do you have priorities or ideas? Share them with us by clicking on the button below.
The Plan
Over the next six to eight years, we hope to build up to 45 new units in three phases. Due to extensive wetlands on the property, the plan is to enhance those wetlands in the back while building affordable rental housing on the section that runs along Weeks Road and Fisherman Bay Road. We also have tentative plans to include the Food Center on the section closest to the Lopez Island Family Resource Center.
The goal is to serve a range of the most pressing housing needs for low- and moderate-income and working people from 30 – 115% of Area Median Income (AMI). Groups that may need rental housing include seniors, small and large families, single working people, homeless people, and people with disabilities.